Marked as Private Question and Answer Mini-Strategy PowerPoint Presentation (2) Slides Only, management homework help
“Marked as Private Question and Answer” Mini-Strategy PowerPoint Presentation
Company: Procter & Gamble
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Order Paper NowImportant Instructions for the Tutor below:
Only focus on the “2 Bolded Bullet Point Questions” listed below in the Presentation Outline Only, because these are the only questions I’m responsible for and have to provide information on.You will not be putting together a (15) page presentation at all.
My total slide count is Three out of the required (15) slides.I need you to complete One slide for each of the two “Bold Bullet Points” listed below, and One slide to add the “References with website links” that you used.You also have to include “Foot Notes” at the bottom of two slides only.Foot notes are not required for the “Reference” slide
I have attached the “Three PowerPoint Slides” for you to use; (1) slide for each question, and (1) slide for references.So you don’t have to create the slides for me.
I will be graded on the following listed below:
- The presentation includes the results of competitor analysis, which will be performed and results presented. (Include charts or graphs) if applicable.
- The presentation includes the development of strategic recommendations that are designed to realize growth.
- No Plagiarism and must have ligament references
Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline.
Include the following in your outline:
- Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and values’ statement.
- Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
- Assess the organization’s current status:
- Leadership
- Board members
- Structure
- Number of employees
- Conduct a basic SWOT analysis and discuss the implications of those results.
- Report the most recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after tax earnings, and five years of year-end stock prices.
- Perform competitor analysis.
- Develop strategic recommendations that are designed to realize growth.
- Create a profile of the current CEO including the following:
- Background and accomplishments
- Education and educational experiences
- Length of time in the current position
- Major career accomplishments
- Leadership and management styles
- Vision for the company
- Innovative accomplishments
- Conclusion.
Reference page at end of slide