3200 CJ MOD 3 CASE

INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHEDCase Study # 1You are being given a printed copy of background and case study information on Ted Bundy. Please read through the materials provided and then respond to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Your responses should be typed in 12 point font and double spaced. Please place your name at the top of the page; it is not necessary to create a cover page.1. Please refer to Table 7-1 in your textbook. It is titled Psychopathic Behaviors Identified by Hare and Cleckley. After reading through the background information you are to choose FIVE of the behaviors from the Hare PCL Checklist and FIVE of the behaviors from the Cleckley’s Primary Psychopath Description list and provide examples of how Ted Bundy meets each of those criteria.For example (and you cannot use this specific one): According to Cleckley one of the characteristics of psychopaths is that they tend to be intelligent and Bundy graduated with a degree in psychology and attended Law School.You also must choose ten total different characteristics. For example, do not choose pathological lying from the Hare scale and Untruthfulness from the Cleckley list and then use the same example for both. I want 10 different behaviors. (This section is worth 30 points).2. For this question please refer to Table 7-2 titled Summary of the Four Hypothesized Core Factors of Psychopathy. Provide at least 2 examples for each one of the four factors that shows how Ted Bundy meets these features of psychopathy. You should have a total of 8 answers when you are done. (This section is worth 16 points).3. Review the definitions of primary psychopaths, secondary psychopaths and dissocial psychopaths. Based on these definitions as well as your evaluation of Bundy in the previous two questions, identify which type of psychopath you believe Bundy to be and why? Again provide some evidence based on what you have learned about his case and what the requirements are for the type of psychopath you determine him to be. (This section is worth 4 points).

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