Long term care week 13

There are two main types of technology within the healthcare system that we are learning about this week.  They are Applied Technology and Health Information Technology.  Of these, please discuss the technology that you feel is most relevant to healthcare today and give reasons supported by your resources to indicate why this is true.  Please choose at least one additional resource for this week’s post.DISCUSSION POST REQUIREMENTThe initial discussion post must be at least 250-350 words of content, MUST reference the reading of the week. please see chapter 17, which is attachedand including at least ONE scholarly source.All initial posts need a reference. Your initial post should never be all opinion.  You need to refer to the reading and the required resources and prove your information with valid data.A full discussion of the issues presented by the questions posed for the week.Use of reliable, APA formatted sources (No Wikipedia).Correct grammar and spelling.No information is quoted or copied.All information is in the student’s own words.Please use correctly formatted in-text citations and references. Less than that shows a disrespect for the source. There is a particular way in which these are to be formatted. Without the proper formatting, the grade suffers.Do NOT use the citation machine.  The citation machine only provides you with the information you provide to it.  If you’re unaware that there is particular information needed and do not provide it, the reference you receive will be incorrect.  It will not be the fault of the citation machine.USE intext citations.  These are necessary for the post.  For each area you discuss and each idea, you present you MUST add the author and date in parenthesis to your post. In-text citations should be a part of each section that you write when what you write is an idea you learned through your reading.  Even if you read something that you may have known a bit about, but you have still gained more information, you need to put a citation in your work.   This includes all information you write about, even when it is being discussed in your own words.References should be listed for each citation you use.DO NOT copy information from any source even if you’re giving credit to the source.  You can use one quote in a post.  More than that will drop your grade.Avoid the use of quotations.  Your rubric discourages this by placing a limit on the number of quotations that are allowed under each grading section.  You may write a great post, but the use of too many quotations places it in a lower category for grading.Avoid copying references from unaccepted sources.  Many of the references are incorrect, with dates that are wrong or titles that are not complete.  If you use this and it’s incorrect, it is your grade that suffers.Do not add scholarly resources that you are not using just because.   You are asked to use a scholarly resource for your post over and above your etext.  If you are using a resource that is listed in your reference list and does not appear as information in your post, then it’s not actually used.The initial post is 250-350 words of content. The initial discussion post must be at least 250-350 words of content, MUST reference the reading of the week (CHAPTER 17 AS BEEN ATTACHED AS WELL AS THE NAME OF THE BOOK, TITLE, ETC), and including at least one scholarly source. Helpful tips on how to reference and citations, please follow it.I’ll give you the template for a reference for an etext and for an article and for a citation for an either.Here is the template for an electronic text: Last name, F. M. (Year). Title of book [eBook edition]. Publisher. URLIn the above example, the F.M. stands for the first initial (upper case). And middle initial (upper case).They show you the way the font should appear, such as italicized as in the title of the book and also how the title is written (with only the first word’s first letter in upper case).  Once you know how they describe the nuances, you can apply it to all of their examples.For an article in a scholarly publication:Last name, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, Vol. (Issue), page numbers. DOI or Last name, F. M., & Last name, F. M. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, Vol. (Issue), page numbers. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from URL       URL= the link to the website.For the citation after the paragraph of paraphrased text use (Author, year).If you have quoted use (Author, year, p. x), if there is no page, you can refer to the paragraph quoted by using (Author, year, para x).

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