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After reviewing the link to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), discuss the implications of the act from the viewpoint of a specific population which represents some type of health disparity, as defined in your readings this week. Look specifically at your state (I LIVE IN FLORIDA) and see if you can locate specific information on how the ACA has been implemented at the state level and how this is reflected in the care of the individuals in the group you specify.ObjectivesUnacceptableSatisfactory to Below Satisfactory (F through C Range)Above Average (B Range)Exemplary (A Range)0 Points1 to 16 Points17 Points18 to 20 PointsQuality of Initial PostingNo initial posting to evaluate.The information provided is inaccurate, not focused on the assignment’s topic, and/or does not answer the question(s) fully. Response demonstrates incomplete understanding of the topic and/or inadequate preparation.The information provided is accurate, displaying a good understanding of the topic(s) covered. A good understanding is when you are able to explain the terms and topics covered. Initial posting demonstrates sincere reflection and addresses most aspects of the assignment, although all concepts may not be fully developed.The information provided is accurate, providing an in-depth, well thought-out understanding of the topic(s) covered. An in-depth understanding provides an analysis of the information, synthesizing what is learned from the course/assigned readings.  Course materials and additional scholarly resources are used to support important points.Participation in Discussion0 Points1 to 6 Points7 Points8 PointsNo responses to other classmates in this discussion forum.Displays an understanding of the topic by responding to two or more classmates’ initial posts but only on one day of the week. Comments may not be substantive, meaning they reflect and expand on what the other student wrote or grounded in evidence..Displays an understanding of the topic by responding to two or more classmates’ initial posts on more than one day( and to the instructors comment if applicable). Comments are substantive, meaning they reflect and expand on what the other student wrote and are grounded in evidence..Displays an understanding of the topic by responding to two or more classmates’ initial posts and to the instructor’s comment (if applicable) on more than two days. Responses demonstrate an analysis of peers’ comments, building on previous posts. Postings extend and deepen meaningful conversation and may include a follow-up question.  Postings are grounded in evidence.Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, APA) and information literacy0 Points1 to 5 Points6 Points7  PointsNo postings for which to evaluate language and grammar.Some issues in any of the following: grammar, mechanics, spelling, use of slang, and incomplete, erroneous, or missing APA citations and references.  Lacks appropriate references to support response or references may be on topic but are dated or from non-appropriate sources..

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