week 4

A 61-year-old Black male with a history of hypertension presents to your clinic for complaints of headaches and blurred vision x 4 days. He denies any weakness, numbness, chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or recent, illicit drug use. He states he has been compliant with his medications (hydrochlorothiazide and metoprolol), and he took his meds this morning.His V/S include: B/P 190/100, P- 90, T- 98.9, R- 22. Recent labs show that TC- 260, LDL-190, HDL- 35, Trig- 320. He did not return for these results and did not start any new meds.What are your diagnoses and plan of care for this patient? Remember to include your rationales.ExpectationsLength: A minimum of 250 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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