Interview a Nurse Practitioner 11/5/2022 6pm

Part 1: Interview a Nurse Practitioner currently working in a primary care or urgent care setting.  You must include complete responses to all questions provided by instructor.  Please write as question and answer format.  Additional issues may be addressed by student at student’s discretion.  Summarize and describe what you learn from the interview and the NP’s role.    Any comment or suggestions regarding NP practice role?· NP credentials include specialty; education level; if not doctoral prepared, plan for doctoral degree? DNP? PhD? EdD? And rational for continue or not continue education.· Type of practice setting· Job description and responsibilities· Years in practice· Any leadership roles in the practice, such as in charge of QI/QC, budgeting, scheduling, practice protocols/polices etc.· Age range of patients· Average # pts. Seen per day· Billing/coding responsibilities· Own Medicare billing number?· Direct reimbursement?· Listed as Primary Care Provider (PCP) in any Manage Care Organization’s or insurance agencies?· How do they accomplish Chart Review with collaborator?· How do they maintain continuing education responsibilities?· If possible, find out what specific protocols are being used in the practice setting.· Ask to see their collaborative practice agreement if applicable.· You may include ANY other information you find interesting. (What do they like most/least about their position? About being an NP in general? Do they belong to any professional organizations? Which ones and why?)· Did this assignment help you understand primary care NP’s role?

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