Unit 6 IT Consulting Part 1

PurposeOver the years, the IT consulting industry has responded creatively to the changing needs of clients, leading to the growth of a thriving industry and, for the most part reactive to client demands. IT consulting firms have readily grown and shrunk in response to client demands.The fortunes of IT consulting firms, like most firms, were impacted by the recent global recession. IT budgets were cut, and most high-profile projects were suspended, most notably in financial services. Having discussed the past and the present, what does the future hold for IT consulting? Which factors will shape the future of the industry?Assignment InstructionsPrepare an APA-formatted paper with the following content. Your Assignment does not require an abstract page but does require a cover page and separate reference page.ContentAfter doing the unit reading, conduct research on the Internet and/or in the library to learn more about the Enron scandal, the role that Arthur Andersen played, and the changes made in the consulting industry as a result. Use at leasttwodifferent sources for this Assignment.Assignment RequirementsUse at leasttwodifferent sources for this Assignment.Provide an appropriate paper title. Titles should be short phrases that describe the content. Do not copy Assignment instructions or questions; doing so does not prove an understanding of main ideas.Do not quote from your sources, but identify what information came from which source through proper APA in-text citations.This paper should be pure research, without personal commentary, conversational speech, or emotional wording.The length requirement for this Assignment is 250–350 words. Do not write more than 350 words; it is important that a consultant learn to be concise.

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