Ass 4

Guidelines for Assignment 4:Provide specific details and numbers as far as possible.All numbers, facts, and recommendations must be adequately justified with references, reasoning, and data.The report should not only detail what should be done but how they are actionable.Use the textbook when supporting some statements or as a source of reference.Describe the specific details of the following steps. If some steps are unnecessary for your product(was in assignments 1 and 2 or service, then justify why they are not needed (and don’t present them).What are some types of advertising and promotions you would useDescribe some Prototyping effortsSmall consumer testsPhysical product testing such as that done externally at Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or within the company、、、create a timeline for getting your product off the ground or for expanding it. Make sure the timeline has specific milestones.  Provide clear details on what steps will be taken to achieve these milestones on the timeline chart.

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