By: Falshaw, J. Richard; Glaister, Keith W.. Management Decision, 2006, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p9-30, 22p, 1 Diagram, 3 Charts. Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited.; Abstract Purpose – This empirical study of 113 UK companies attempts to examine the relationship between formal strategic planning and financial performance in a non-US context while taking into consideration the important contingent variables identified by previous researchers of organizational size, environmental turbulence and industry. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a postal questionnaire primary data was collected from 113 UK companies. A series of multivariate analyses were undertaken to test the hypothesized relationships. Findings – While hypotheses explaining the formality of a company’s planning process were well accounted for, no relationship between formal planning process and subjective company performance was observed. Research limitations/implications – Measurement validity may be a problem. The data are cross-sectional, therefore causal linkages among the variables cannot be firmly established. Related to this point is the fact that firm performance is a function of prior, not current, planning and other management practices. Longitudinal data would be needed in order to prove that causal relationships exist and control for time lag effects. Originality/value – Despite the continued importance of performance objectives in the prescriptive literature, recent attention has not been given to strategic planning and performance in empirical research. One function of this paper is to re-kindle this area of research. More specifically, the empirical study reported in this paper draws on data from UK companies, which is novel in this stream of research. In a review of 29 relevant studies by Greenley (1994) the only study identified reporting UK data was that of Grinyer and Norburn (1975), the majority of the remaining studies reporting data from the USA. Greenley notes that while this represents a stream of research from a single business culture, the major issue is one of relevance to the practice of strategic planning in Europe and other countries. Although the principles of strategic planning should, of course, have universal application, there may be national differences in strategic planning, country dependent influences from business culture, and influences from different national trading conditions. The strategic management field can be criticized for not examining particular phenomena in non-US contexts, with respect to the impact of FSP and organizational performance this study attempts to rectify this imbalance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; (AN 20711924), Database: Complementary Index

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Who can complete my exam asap!!!! A functionalist would likely ask which one of the following questions about socially assistive robots? a. How will socially assistive robots affect interaction? b. What meanings do people assign to socially assistive robots? c. Who benefits from socially assistive robots and at whose expense? d. What are the intended and unintended consequences of socially assistive robots? 1 points Question 5 Which of the following is a false statement about the characteristics of high-quality sociological research? a. Sociological findings endure as long as the research process can be replicated. b. Once a sociological study is completed, findings are considered final. c. Sociologists strive to be objective. d. Sociologists invite others to critique their work. 1 points Question 6 Which one of the following phrases would Marx be least likely to use to describe capitalism? a. blood-sucking b. a boundless thirst c. a werewolf-like hunger d. socially conscious 1 points Question 7 The early sociologists were witnesses to the transforming effects of the a. the Industrial Revolution. b. World War II. c. World War I. d. War in Afghanistan. 1 points Question 8 Each of the _____ offers a central question to direct thinking and key concepts to organize answers. a. negotiated order b. social actions c. theoretical perspectives d. methods of research 1 points Question 9 _____ is the theorist most likely to draw attention to unconditional basic income as a response to widespread unemployment. a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. Auguste Comte d. Emile Durkheim 1 points Question 10 _____ is the sociologist who focused on the factors that strengthen, weaken, or otherwise shape the character of social ties. a. Karl Marx b. Emile Durkheim c. W.E.B Dubois d. Max Weber 1 points Question 11 Smart phones, introduced in 1996, are now a global-scale phenomenon. Some people in remote locations have embraced smart phone apps that connect them with health care providers anywhere in the world. This development illustrates the twin forces of a. industrialization and mechanization. b. globalization and glocalization. c. troubles and issues. d. human activity and media. 1 points Question 12 The _____ is the best perspective to draw upon for exploring human-robot interactions. a. social action theory b. functionalist c. symbolic interaction d. conflict 1 points Question 13 The defining feature of the Industrial Revolution was a. solidarity. b. mechanization. c. standardization. d. modernization. 1 points Question 14 The question “Who benefits from a particular pattern or social arrangement?” is of most interest to a(n) a. conflict theorist. b. symbolic interactionist. c. action theorist. d. functionalist. 1 points Question 15 “Knowing one another better reinforces the common connection such that the potential for caring and empathetic moral actions increase.” This statement summarizes the essence of a. sympathetic knowledge. b. double consciousness. c. solidarity. d. division of labor. 1 points Question 16 An employer tells workers “If you aren’t happy with the pay and working conditions here, go work somewhere else! It’s a free country.” Conflict theorists call this line of reasoning a. cultural relativity. b. sympathetic knowledge. c. good business practice. d. the façade of legitimacy. 1 points Question 17 The Communist Manifesto is a famous pamphlet that _____ co-authored with Fredrich Engels. a. Emile Durkheim. b. Karl Marx. c. Max Weber. d. W.E.B. DuBois. 1 points Question 18 When in a nation of 150 million workers, 24 million are unemployed, that is a. a crime. b. a trouble. c. an issue. d. personal tragedy. 1 points Question 19 Which of the following would be the best option to obtain a representative sample of students at your college? a. At random, draw a list of students from the most recent college registrar’s list. b. Stop students as they are walking to their cars in parking lots and ask them to participate. c. Ask all of the sociology majors to participate in the study. d. Ask students eating in the cafeteria at lunchtime to participate in an important study. 1 points Question 20 The term ___________________ describes a state in which ties attaching individuals to others in the society are weak. a. egoistic b. fatalistic c. altruistic d. anomic 1 points Question 21 Jared lives in a consumption-oriented culture. He decides to do historical research to understand how a country might develop a conservation-oriented way of life. Jared’s approach is influenced by a. Max Weber. b. Emile Durkheim. c. Karl Marx. d. Auguste Comte. 1 points Question 22 When Oreo cookies are transplanted into a new setting and then changed to fit local tastes, the process is known as a. globalization. b. industrialization. c. glocalization. d. the sociological imagination. 1 points Question 23 The high school dropout rate in the United States is greater than 25 percent. C. Wright Mills would classify this situation as a. an issue. b. a trouble. c. value-rational action. d. a social fact. 1 points Question 24 Lee’s research involving Snackbot showed that under the right conditions, people can form collegial (even social) relationships with workplace robots. This finding relates to the _____ perspective. a. functionalist b. symbolic interactionist c. social action d. conflict 1 points Question 25 Marx believed that ________ was the first economic system that could maximize the immense productive potential of human labor and ingenuity. a. democracy b. capitalism c. socialism d. communism 1 points Question 26 According to functionalists, poverty exists because a. somebody has to be on the bottom. b. it contributes in some way to the stability of an existing social order. c. the poor lack the drive to do better. d. the poor are largely unmotivated to work. 1 points Question 27 One unintended or unexpected disruption of socially assistive robots is that people may actually prefer the company of robots over fellow humans. This situation represents a. manifest dysfunction. b. manifest function. c. latent dysfunction. d. latent function. 1 points Question 28 As driveless technologies are developed we anticipate that 1.6 million long-distance truck drivers will be at risk of losing their jobs. This situation is an example of a. an issue. b. an opportunity. c. a trouble. d. a personal crisis. 1 points Question 29 Behavior influenced by the attention one receives from being the subject of a research study is the a. latent effect. b. experimental effect. c. Hawthorne effect. d. special subject effect. 1 points Question 30 Which one of the following aspects of the globalization process would Weber be most concerned? a. The ways in which globalization reduces wages. b. The ways in which globalization undermines behavior motivated by tradition. c. The way in which globalization creates hardships for low-income households. d. The way in which globalization undermines local ties. 1 points Question 31 Which of the following is something symbolic interactionists emphasize? a. outcomes b. negotiated order c. functions d. means of production 1 points Question 32 If an individual pursues a college degree because everyone in his or her family going back five generations is college-educated, the action can be classified as a. value-rational. b. instrumental rational c. traditional. d. affectional. 1 points Question 33 Which one of the following sociologists would most likely advocate for putting low-cost technologies such as smart phones into the hands of those who are disadvantaged? a. Max Weber b. Jane Addams c. Emile Durkheim d. Auguste Comte 1 points Question 34 A trial explanation predicting a relationship between independent and dependent variables is a(n) a. theory. b. fact. c. observation. d. hypothesis. 1 points Question 35 If one respondent gives different answers to the same question at two different points in time, the researcher should be concerned about a. reliability. b. the Hawthorne effect. c. representativeness. d. validity. 1 points Question 36 Which one of the following assumptions applies to the scientific method? a. Research findings can be manipulated to advance a good cause. b. Knowledge is acquired through observation. c. Truth is confirmed through faith. d. Research finding should not be replicated. 1 points Question 37 W.E.B. Dubois traced the origin of _________ to the scramble for Africa’s resources, beginning with the slave trade. a. disenchantment b. the color line c. troubles d. double consciousness 1 points Question 38 Which one of the following statements represents a criticism of the functionalist perspective? a. It leaves us wondering about a part’s overall effect. b. It focuses on the “small stuff.” c. It is too liberal. d. It focuses on the “have nots.” 1 points Question 39 Jamie gains first-hand knowledge about poverty by working at a food bank. This kind of knowledge is known as, a. social research. b. sympathetic knowledge. c. solidarity. d. double consciousness. 1 points Question 40 Researchers should maintain objectivity. This means they should a. not accept funding from outside sources. b. not let personal and subjective views about the topic influence observations or outcome of research. c. refuse to share data with others. d. stay away from topics in which they have a personal interest. 1 points Question 41 The actions of someone who always gives their best effort and never cuts corners would qualify as ____ action. a. affective b. instrumental rational c. traditional d. value rational 1 points Question 42 If socially assistive robots assume caregiving roles, a number of unanticipated consequences may occur such as the elimination of sexual abuse. This unanticipated consequence is a a. manifest function. b. latent function. c. manifest dysfunction. d. latent dysfunction. 1 points Question 43 Which one of the following statements describes the best way to apply the three perspectives? a. Most sociologists analyze an issue using one perspective. b. We can acquire a more complete view of something by applying all three perspectives. c. Only one perspective can give us a complete picture of a process or an event. d. The three perspectives should be viewed as opposing viewpoints. 1 points Question 44 Jane Addams maintained that Hull House a. was the equivalent of an applied university. b. was a failed experiment in social engineering. c. could not deliver services that helped working poor. d. was analogous to a community college. 1 points Question 45 Auguste Comte recommended that sociologists study a. the color line. b. the things people have created. c. conflict as in agent of change. d. the ties that bind. 1 points Question 46 The obesity rate in the United States is greater than 30 percent. According to Mills, the key to resolving this issue involves focusing on a. the character flaws of the 92 million plus Americans who are obese. b. getting people to eat less. c. addressing the underlying social forces that contribute to obesity. d. ways to get the obese to want to lose weight. 1 points Question 47 Which one of the following concepts applies to the façade of legitimacy? a. fair analysis b. misleading c. logical d. well-documented assertions 1 points Question 48 The question “Is this operational definition really measuring what it claims to measure?” addresses concerns surrounding a. correlations. b. sampling. c. validity. d. reliability. 1 points Question 49 The economic system accompanying and driving the Industrial Revolution was a. the welfare state. b. socialism. c. communism. d. capitalism. 1 points Question 50 The gay pride movement can be traced to 1897 in Berlin Germany and has spread to various locations around the world. 115 years later the first gay bar was established in Lamai Beach, Thailand. This movement illustrates the twin forces of a. industrialization and mechanization. b. troubles and issues. c. globalization and glocalization. d. human activity and media.

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