Assignment 2 – Chapter 2 – Labor and Globalization

I AM ATTACHING A PDF TO USE WITH THIS JOB. It should be your main reference but you can use other references as well.Assignment 2 – Chapter 2 – Labor and GlobalizationPart 1: In1-2paragraphs (per question), answer the following questions from readings in “answer and question format”:1. Unions can play a vital role in improving working conditions for workers in a globalized economy. From the Bowe’s readings, please describe two ways unions can improve working conditions in the agricultural industry.2.In your research on agricultural workers what realities of their lives you found most disturbing about their working conditions. Please be specific and cite your source.3.Please identify two reasons agricultural workers leave their homeland to work in the fields of American agricultural for low pay.  Is it possible that free market competition benefits big corporations and undermine local farmers in Mexico?4.Please explain the how the working conditions described in Bowe’s book related to trade policy like (NAFTA).Part 2: Intwo pages,write an essay explaining the labor conditions that unions improved based on the readings and your individual research.1.Address the sources of challenges and opportunities (e.g. profit motives by corporations, nationality and gender bias, lack of citizenship rights of migrant workers, and legal rights to unionized or lack thereof).2.Please provide resources as required by APA standards.

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