Cross Cultural Management A7

After reading the three articles this week, choose one of them to use for this assignment. Your recommendations should not be a rewrite/summary of the information provided in the article.Select one of these articles and answer the following questions:·         Engaging Older Workers, by Peter CappelliBased on the article what recommendations would you make to management about recruiting and retaining older worker?·         Generation X and The Millennials: What You Need to Know About Mentoring the New Generations, by Diane Thielfoldt and Devon ScheefWhat recommendations can you make to management about mentoring based on your reading of the article?·         Mixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees by Greg HammillBased on the article, what recommendations can you give to management about recruiting new members of different generations for most US based organizations?The linksEngaging Older Workers by Peter CappelliEngaging Multiple Generations among Your Workforce by Devon Scheef and Diane ThielfoldtMixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees by Greg Hammill

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