Short Response Paper: Communication in Human Relations- Due Tomorrow 2/16/19

DUE TOMORROW: 2/16/19 BY 13:00Minimum of 3 paragraphsFor this short response paper, you will be asked to outline the communication process and discuss how communication can positively impact human relations in organizations. In doing this, you will address each of the elements below in one paragraph each.Specifically, the following critical elementsmustbe addressed:I.Communication Process:Describe the main elements involved in the communication process in your own words, including their importance to organizational culture.II.Common Barriers to Communication:Define a common barrier to communication and provide a brief example of how this barrier impacted the communication process from your own experience in a workplace or group setting.III.Communication and Leadership:Describe how you, as a leader, use the communication process to impact positive human relations. Provide at leastone example of a timewhen you have used communication effectively.

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