Cloud computing

In this project, you will make narrated presentation to convince the BallotOnline management of the value of migrating the organization’s existing IT infrastructure and services to a public cloud. You will learn about cloud computing technology and services and how organizations can take advantage of this trend.Your supervisor, Sophia, BallotOnline’s director of information technology, has tasked you with creating a presentation that will convince the executives that using cloud-based computing to accommodate BallotOnline’s future growth rather than trying to expand the current infrastructure will help the company do business faster and at lower cost while conserving IT resources.Your presentation will include an executive summary along with the following from previous steps:Overview of cloud computingsummary of service and deployment modelssummary of cloud compute and storage infrastructure componentsadvantages and disadvantageseconomic analysisIT business requirements (provide a concise description of what each bullet should ensure)SWOT analysisPlease use power point to answer the question and add references

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