comment from post 2

Experimental design provides the greatest amount of control possible to examine causality more closely. Researchers may combine characteristics of more than one design to meet the needs of their study (Grove, S., Gray, J., Burns, N. (2015). An example of this in the healthcare studies is that they do a pre-test, post-test design with experimental groups. This is more tightly controlled in the areas of intervention, setting, measurement, and extraneous variable, resulting in fewer threats to design validity. Usually experimental design is done in a lab because it gives a high level of control and reliability.Non-experimental design is weaker on with respect to internal validity or causal assessment. The simplest form of non-experiment is a one-shot survey design that consists of nothing but a single observation. This is probably one of the most common forms of research and, for some research questions especially descriptive ones is clearly a strong design (Trochim, 2006).  In other words it can be generalized to a larger populationi need you to comment from this post 150 words needed and a reference please

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