Cultural Studies Blog

Here is an article to get you started:  Secondary school (6-12th grades )  My Topic (50 – 100 words)Extreme SchoolingEducation in Russia is in transition.  There are many changes each year.  I have split the class into four groups to cover specific information at four levels of education in Russia.  Go to the Internet and find what you can on your assigned topic.  Report what you have learned with links by Thursday at midnight in a blog string with your assigned level (ex: university/post graduate).  If you can, find information from the Soviet era and compare it to education in Russsia today.  You are part of a group, but you are each working independently gathering and posting your own information.  You may end-up having some of the same sources, but strive to make your blog original with at least one different source.  Video sources are acceptable for this blog.  Some potential sub-topics or research questions for your assigned education level: legislation governing this education stage, Soviet era structure/philosophy, contemporary Russian structure/philosopy, future trends, public vs private education, your opinion….This assignment fulfills/supportsModule Outcome You will have learned about how Russians feel today about various domestic issues.Course Outcome 5: You will have learned about the current economic and political situation in Russia today.General Education Competency  You will have: communicated effectively in speaking, writing, reading, and writing; demonstrated socialization skills that support cultural awareness and a global perspective; demonstrated quantitative competencies; and demonstrated computer literacy.

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