excel homework

Heavenly Chocolates manufactures and sells quality chocolate products at its plant and retail store located in Saratoga Springs, New York. Two years ago the company developed a website and began selling its products. A sample of 50 Heavenly Chocolate transactions was selected from the previous month’s sales DATA2: KL sections Shoppers. xlsx)” in the blackboard contains the Heavenly Chocolates data). Based on the data, answer to the following questions: 1. Frequency distribution: Construct a frequency distribution and a chart for the “Browser” variable. 2. Frequency distribution: Construct a frequency distribution and a chart for the “Time (min)” variable. 3. Generate Excel output (Descriptive Statistics) for the time spent per transaction “Time (min)” and the total dollars spent Amount Spent variables. 4. Compute the sample correlation coefficient to examine the relationship between the number of website pages viewed and the amount spent. 5. Describe the customer characteristics by summarizing the results of the above Excel output (with one single space typed page) 6. Extra credit: Construct a Cross-tabulation of the two variables (Pages viewed and Amount Spent) Attach all your Excel outputs (Hard copy only email with the attached files will not be 7. accepted)

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