Final Project

Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetailsTaking all of the information that was discussed this term, I want you to do some independent research and find an organization that interests you.  I want you to look at their current operations, what their business requirements are, current IT situation and I want you to put together a presentation for your CEO on why you feel your organization should migrate to the cloud.Remember, you might have to use your imagination here a little bit, the organization you choose might already operate in the cloud but for the purpose of this assignment, we are going to pretend they don’t.  If you would like, you can even make up a business, use your imagination and make this fun.Although the below areas are required, please include other areas if you would like. You will need to utilize the information used from this course but I would also like you to do some independent research to build on the concepts that were discussed this term. Please ensure you include SEVEN sources outside of your textbook cited APA Style.Please ensure your presentation is visually pleasing and grabs your CEO’s attention.  There is nothing worse than a boring presentation with no effort put into its design.As discussed above, you might have to use some imagination when crafting this proposal.  If you can’t find certain information on your organization, feel free to make it up.  Use your imagination and have fun with this.You never know, this might be something you could end up using in a future position!Keep in Mind: You will need to perform independent research beyond the course text materials in order to discuss and explain the elements of a comprehensive and well-thought-out position. Consider all facets that are necessary to be proactive and successful in evaluating not only what is happening now, but also the potential future landscape.RequirementsOnce you have chosen what organization you are going to use, you will put together a 35-40 page PowerPoint presentation that includes voice discussing each slide (we will pretend that the presentation has to be done virtually).  You will use key areas that were discussed this term in your presentation to help solidify your proposal to your CEO.  Remember, we want to convince them that a move to the cloud is a prudent business decision.  Please ensure the below items are covered in your proposal:Overview of your organizationWhy you feel the cloud is a prudent business decision (discuss cost savings here, do independent research on average cost savings with a cloud solution for your size organization)Discuss the different roles within a cloud solution so your CEO understands how it would work and what their role would be (discussed in week 1).Discuss what cloud service model you would use as well as what cloud deployment model (discussed in week 1).Provide an overview of your design requirements, you might include details from a business requirements analysis (BRA) which includes, Inventory of assets, valuation of assets, determination of criticality, risk appetite, etc. (discussed in week 2).Does your organization have sensitive data? If so, how will you protect it? Your CEO will want to know this (discussed in week 2).What approach will you use in regard to how you will store data in the cloud (discussed in week 3).What risks are there in the cloud? It is important to be upfront with your CEO in regard to the different risks.  How will these risks be handled, who has the responsibility if these risks are exploited?  You will want to revert to what cloud deployment model you chose to identify specific risks (discussed in week 3).Provide insight into the issues you might run into when moving applications to the cloud. How will identity and access management (IAM) be used (discussed in week 5)?Discuss how BC/DR will be utilized in the cloud. This is something that the CEO should be interested in (discussed in week 7).How will change and configuration management be handled (discussed in week 7)?What ensures all of the above happens? Discuss how your contract and SLA will be utilized and what will be included in each.  This will give your CEO some assurance that your organization will be protected if something were to go wrong (discussed in week 8).Provide a closing slide (or two), give one last argument, and wrap up all the information discussed above.SubmitYour FINAL presentation should include a cover slide, abstract, introduction, conclusion, and references. These slides are not included in the total slide count needed for this assignment. With your references, plan to put them in APA format. Information on APA formatting can be found through theMaryville University Library Citation Libguide.Links to an external site.View RubricFinal ProjectFinal ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Overview of your organizationview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Why the cloud is a prudent business decisionview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Roles within the cloudview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Cloud service model/cloud deployment modelview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Business requirements/sensitive dataview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Storage of data/risks in the cloudview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Application issues/BC/DRview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Configuration management/SLAsview longer description20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 20 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner. Sections address subject material in detail, provide examples, and present information in an easy to understand format: Closingview longer description10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 10 ptsThe paper—including headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.view longer description15 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 15 ptsRules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.view longer description15 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 15 ptsTotal Points: 0Choose a submission typeSubmission type Upload, currently selectedUploadMore submission optionsMoreSubmit file using Webcam PhotoWebcam PhotoSubmit file using Canvas FilesCanvas Files

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