Functions for Recovery and Identifying Data Storage and Recovery Sites

Option #1: Cisco Systems

Read the Cisco Systems white paper Disaster Recovery: Best Practices (attached below).

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Disasters most often are unpredictable, and they vary in type and magnitude when they happen. Many companies have some disaster recovery strategies in place to return to normal after the disaster has struck. To minimize disaster losses, it is very important to have a good disaster recovery plan for every business subsystem and operation within an enterprise.
Write a report on your understanding of disaster recovery strategies from the perspective of a multinational corporation. Do the same strategies should apply to smaller, non-multinational organizations?

Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length including graphics, and conform to the APA requirements. Include at least five credible references in addition to the course textbook.


1. Simple essay format, with proper introduction and Conclusion.

2. No Plagiarism, inline citations is must wherever applicable.

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