humanities essay

Should the authors, Richard Paul Janaro and Thelma C. Altshuler, of The Art of Being Human,have included in Chapter 3, “Myth and the Origin of the Humanities,” religion as a mythology? Religion could include, but not limited to, Scientology, Rastafarianism, Santeria, Voodoo, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Is religion a mythology? You MUST have an introductory and a concluding paragraph.Please remember that myth means story or a narrative. A mythology is a collection of similar stories.Choose only ONE of the following four models.Model #AThesis statement: I intend to prove that religion could be viewed as mythology. I will show using the mythical nine models (stories of creations, origin of deities, phenomena of nature, origin and structure of society, origin of evil, soteriology, origin of death, eschatology, and stories of the afterlife) that religions are mythologies. (This model requires 11 paragraphs.)Model #BThesis statement: I intend to prove that religion cannot be viewed as mythology. I will show that mythical nine models (stories of creations, the origin of deities, phenomena of nature, origin and structure of society, origin of evil, soteriology, origin of death, eschatology, and stories of the afterlife) are questionable, if not inaccurate, understanding of religion.  (This model requires 11 paragraphs.)Model #CThesis statement: I intend to prove that religion could be viewed as mythology by examining the role of the hero in religion. I will review the stages of a hero (birth of the hero, early recognition of the hero, the hero’s great deeds, and the hero’s loss of power) demonstrating that religions are mythologies.  (This model requires 6 paragraphs.)Model #DThesis statement: I intend to demonstrate that religion cannot be viewed as mythology by examining the role of the hero in religion. I will review the stages of a hero (birth of the hero, early recognition of the hero, the hero’s great deeds, and the hero’s loss of power) demonstrating that religions are not mythologies.  (This model requires 6 paragraphs.)For models #C and #D, the hero must remain the same in all four stages. Do not jump from one hero David and then to another hero Mahummad. Moreover, you are not permitted to use your textbook model of Hercules.

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