Marketing Management

Following your review, share a 500-word minimum synopsis of the strategic marketing concepts discussed on PRODUCT.  Review and write about three of the articles below.   This paper should be completed using APA formatting (in-text citations and references) – attach in a word document – no PDF Files.  Follow all Written Assignment Expectations. Due Sunday by 11:00 p.m.

Must be under 25% SafeAssign.

Use subject headers for organization – Introduction, Conclusion and obviously specific headers to support content provided – minus 5 points if not provided.

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Reference three sources minimum from the list below AND one NEW source you researched – peer-reviewed.  FOUR SOURCES TOTAL worth five POINTS each.


APA format (1” margins, Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced, and more)




Using Business Source Premier, review the following articles:

Almquist, E.; Senior, J.; & Bloch, N. (2016).  The elements of value.  Harvard Business Review, 94(9), 46-53.

Bergh, C.  (2018).  The CEO of Levi Strauss on leading an iconic brand back to growth.  Harvard Business Review, 96(4), 33-39.

Hagiu, A. & Altman, E. J. (2017).  Finding the platform in your product.  Harvard Business Review, 95(4), 94-100.

Ignatius, A. (2015).  How Indra Nooyi turned design thinking into strategy.  Harvard Business Review, 93(9), 80-85.

Porter, M. E. & Hepelmann, J. E. (2015).  How smart, connected products are transforming companies.  Harvard Business Review, 93(10), 98-114.

Simons, R. (2010).  Stress-test your strategy.  Harvard Business Review, 88(11), 93-100.

Following your review, share a 500-word synopsis of the product strategy and branding concepts discussed.  This posting should not be a series of articles reviews.  Instead, it should be a synthesis of the readings continuing with the overarching theme, “Product Strategy and Branding,” in mind.  This paper in Microsoft Word should be completed using APA formatting (in-text citations and references).

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