MSW 6006: Week 3 – Assignment: Explore Evidence-Based Interventions for Responding to Safety Issues in the Workplace

nstructionsTo begin this week’s assignment, conduct research in the NCU library on violence in the workplace related to the field of social work. Reflect on possible scenarios that could present in a human services organization.For this week’s assignment, you will prepare a pamphlet with a best practices checklist to meet the goal of ensuring a safe working environment. Draft a plan for a human services organization concerning how to address traumatic emergency situations. Include both how to respond to an emergency and how to address any long-term effects based on theories you explored this week. Finally, based on this week’s resources and your personal experiences, explain your greatest concern about the safety of social workers working in a human services organization and illustrate how you would address these concerns as a social work leader.Your checklist should include the most important points from your educational pamphlet that social work leaders could implement immediately with their own teams.Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.Length: 2-3 page pamphlet with 1-2 page checklist, but not including title and reference pages

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