Observing Mathematics

Part 1: ObservationObserving a classroom environment can provide much needed detail and understanding of students’ learning needs and continued progress.For this field experience, observe a K-8 classroom during a math lesson. During your observation of the lesson, complete the “Math Observation” template.Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.With the help of your mentor teacher, identify 3-5 students above, at, or below standard achievement in the classroom environment that would benefit from additional learning support. Ask your mentor teacher for the unit and standards and unit the class is currently learning, in order to develop the pre-assessment for Clinical Field Experience B.Part 2: ReflectionFollowing your observation, discuss the math lesson with your mentor teacher. In 250-500 words summarize and reflect on your observation and, and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.Your discussion should include the following:How do you engage students in learning opportunities specific to mathematics?What strategies do you use to apply real-world relevancy to math lessons?How do you modify or adjust instruction based on responses from students?How do you prepare to teach instruction in mathematics (vocabulary, knowledge of material, content standards, and resources)?

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