quiz week 3

Question 11.To determine an organization’s missions and goals, managers must first _____.[removed]perform a SWOT analysis[removed]apply the Five Forces Model[removed]define its business[removed]develop a long-term plan[removed]develop a short-term plan4 pointsQuestion 21.There has been a rapid increase in the percentage of population of a third-world nation switching to cellular technology in recent years. A major multinational telecommunication services company decides to take advantage of this change and plans to setup industry in the country with the intention of dominating the country’s telecommunication market. This is an example of a _____.[removed]divisional-level strategy[removed]departmental-level strategy[removed]functional-level strategy[removed]corporate-level strategy[removed]business-level strategy4 pointsQuestion 31.In large organizations the functional level of management is also known as the _____ of management.[removed]business level[removed]corporate level[removed]divisional level[removed]departmental level[removed]top level4 pointsQuestion 41._____ are composed of simplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about the typical characteristics of particular groups of people.[removed]Ideals[removed]Stereotypes[removed]Values[removed]Concepts[removed]Perceptions4 pointsQuestion 51.Sexually oriented remarks about one’s physical appearance is an example of:[removed]hostile work environment sexual harassment.[removed]low gender egalitarianism.[removed]quid pro quo sexual harassment.[removed]reverse discrimination.[removed]the glass ceiling effect.4 pointsQuestion 61.Which of the following is an aim of distributive justice within an organization?[removed]To ensure that all members of an organization receive identical or similar outcomes[removed]To ensure that women consistently earn more than men[removed]To use fair procedures to determine how to distribute outcomes to organizational members[removed]To provide favorable outcomes to traditionally oppressed groups[removed]To ensure that outcomes are not distributed based on a person’s personal characteristics like race or age4 pointsQuestion 71.The term _____ alludes to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate positions.[removed]overt discrimination[removed]stereotype[removed]glass ceiling[removed]bias[removed]pay gap4 pointsQuestion 81.Which of the following principles of management by Henri Fayol specifies that an employee should report to only one superior?[removed]Line of authority[removed]Unity of command[removed]Centralization[removed]Esprit de corps[removed]Decentralization4 pointsQuestion 91.Which of the following is an example of a rule?[removed]A general mandatory guideline asking all employees to leave their work machines in good order[removed]A statement issued by the company specifying the sales projection for the next fiscal year[removed]An informal code of conduct recommending that employees help each other if time permits[removed]A recommendation by the HR department that employees wear formal clothes during the week[removed]A suggestion by the technical department to save all work-related files on D drive4 pointsQuestion 101.Mary Parker Follett’s primary criticism of Taylor’s system of scientific management was that:[removed]Taylor proposed that managers should involve workers in analyzing their jobs to identify better ways to perform tasks.[removed]Taylor did not use scientific techniques like time-and-motion studies to analyze workers’ jobs.[removed]scientific management did not allow workers to exercise initiative and contribute to the organization.[removed]scientific management advocated that workers, rather than managers, should be in control of the work process itself.[removed]Taylor said that managers should behave as coaches and facilitators—not as monitors and supervisors.4 pointsQuestion 111.Which of the following practices was advocated by Mary Parker Follett?[removed]Workers should not be allowed to participate in the work development process.[removed]Authority should go with hierarchical positions rather than knowledge.[removed]Managers should behave as monitors and supervisors.[removed]Workers should be allowed to exercise initiative in their everyday work lives.[removed]Members of each department should stick to their own department; cross-functioning should be discouraged.4 pointsQuestion 121._____ encourage employees to behave in a socially responsible manner.[removed]Stakeholder claims[removed]Conflicting interpersonal relations[removed]Tougher selection processes[removed]Ethical organizational cultures[removed]High compensation benefits4 pointsQuestion 131.Unethical behavior:[removed]reduces a company’s inefficiency.[removed]decreases a company’s ineffectiveness.[removed]reduces a company’s performance.[removed]increases the national standard of living.[removed]increases national well-being and prosperity.4 pointsQuestion 141._____ are frequently in the position of having to juggle the interests of different stakeholders, including themselves.[removed]Stockholders[removed]Customers[removed]Contractors[removed]Managers[removed]Suppliers4 pointsQuestion 151._____ companies are often at the forefront of campaigns for causes such as a pollution-free environment; recycling and conservation of resources; the minimization or elimination of the use of animals in drug and cosmetics testing; and the reduction of crime, illiteracy, and poverty.[removed]Accommodative[removed]Defensive[removed]Reactive[removed]Proactive[removed]Obstructionist4 pointsQuestion 161.Middle managers are responsible for:[removed]the daily supervision of the nonmanagerial employees.[removed]fine-tuning and developing the skills of top managers.[removed]the establishment of the organization’s goals and visions.[removed]finding the best way to use resources to achieve organizational goals.[removed]the creation of the top-management team.4 pointsQuestion 171.Supervisors are also referred to as _____.[removed]first-line managers[removed]middle managers[removed]top managers[removed]interim managers[removed]executive managers4 pointsQuestion 181.The four building blocks of _____ are superior efficiency; quality; speed, flexibility, and innovation; and responsiveness to customers.[removed]empowerment[removed]competitive advantage[removed]diversification[removed]stratification[removed]managerial control4 pointsQuestion 191.In an interview with a television channel, the Public Relations manager of KP Oil explained what his company intended to do to tackle the threat to marine life caused by an oil spill in the Pacific Ocean. The oil spill was caused by a tanker ship accident carrying crude oil for the company. According to Mintzberg, the PR manager of KP Oil is playing the role of a _____.[removed]liaison[removed]figurehead[removed]leader[removed]disseminator[removed]spokesperson4 pointsQuestion 201._____ are outcomes of changes in the skills and equipment managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services.[removed]Cultural forces[removed]Political forces[removed]Demographic forces[removed]Technological forces[removed]Sociocultural forces4 pointsQuestion 211._____ are norms that are considered to be of central importance to the functioning of society and to social life, the violation of which brings serious retribution.[removed]Mores[removed]Folkways[removed]Values[removed]Ceremonies[removed]Superstitions4 pointsQuestion 221.The more difficult it is to enter the task environment:[removed]the easier it is to keep prices high.[removed]the lower is the barrier to entry.[removed]the harder it is to obtain customers.[removed]the more competitors an organization faces.[removed]the less expensive it is to enter the industry.4 pointsQuestion 231.Which of the following is an assumption made by the classical model?[removed]There is no optimum decision.[removed]There is more than one alternative.[removed]There is only one alternative.[removed]Managers have access to all the information they need.[removed]Managers are not capable of making the right decisions.4 pointsQuestion 241._____ results from the tendency to generalize inappropriately from a small sample or from a single vivid event or episode.[removed]Prior hypothesis[removed]Dialectical inquiry[removed]Escalating commitment[removed]Representativeness bias[removed]The illusion of control4 pointsQuestion 251._____ is the decision-making method in which group members write down ideas and solutions, read their suggestions to the whole group, and discuss and then rank the alternatives.[removed]Delphi technique[removed]Dialectical inquiry[removed]Brainstorming[removed]Nominal group technique[removed]Devil’s advocacy

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