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Causes involving modern cultural controversiesModern cultural controversies are the cultural disputes and conflicts which that happen today as a result differences in culture. Cultural clashes are not new in the society since they have been there even during the time of our ancestors. The only difference between today’s modern cultural controversies and the past traditional cultural conflicts is that the modern cultural controversies have been influences western influence. In the past, culture was something that was valued very much in the traditional society. Cultural practices were highly respected and adored by their respective communities (Clark, 2014). However, with the introduction of modern culture, everything has changed. Culture is no longer valuable in today’s societies. Today, culture has changed into a lifestyle. There are several elements that have influenced the modern cultural controversies. These elements include religion, technology, sexuality, law and order among others.Religion is one cause of the modern cultural controversies. In today’s societies, there are many religions which have different cultural practices. As a result, all the religions keep on fighting for superiority. Each and every religion wants to be superior to others. Religion has been very influential in the development of cultural controversies in today’s societies. For instance, let’s look at Islamic and Christian religion. These are two religions that have always had sharp conflicts and misunderstandings. Each of these two religions has their own book as well as their own God. This is evident through the names of their books and God. Muslims refer to their God as Allah while the Christians refer to theirs as God. The book used by Muslims for worship is called the Quran while the Christians use the Bible. The differences between these two religions, that is, Islam and Christianity have drawn sharp controversies in the world. The controversies have even led to religious wars were the Muslims have taken on to kill any non-Muslims. We have witnessed terrorism activities carried out by Muslims as a result of religion. The main agenda presented by the Muslim terrorists is religion. They claim that they intend to convert the world into Muslim believers. The Muslims believe that their Islamic religion is more powerful and superior than any other religion in the world. Religion was something that was very sacred in traditional society (Scruton, 2013). Religion used to be used as a shield against enemies as well as an element of peace. People would go to the temple to seek for God’s peace and it will be granted. In today’s modern society, religion is being misused. To begin with, terrorist groups are using religion to commit serious crimes. There are many terrorism groups in the world most of them have been influenced by Islamic religion (Raffe, 2012). Some examples of these terrorism groups include Al-Qaeda, Al-Sh abaab, Boko haram, Isis, Taliban among many others. In order to stay strong and inspired, these terrorism groups use religion to continue with their cruel activities. Through their religion, they are able to recruit new people into their groups. In addition, today’s religion has been turned into money making machine. Many churches today are formed on the basis of making money. Modern religion has so many pastors which have got their own churches. The main agenda of these pastors is to make money by deceiving innocent believers. The modern religion is filled with evil. Many of the preachers today possess evil powers which they use to deceive their congregation with the objective of attracting more followers to their churches.The other cause of the modern cultural controversies is technology. Technology has influenced everything in today’s societies. In today’s modern society, there are many controversies which are caused by technology. Technology has made everything easier. All the cultural controversies are easy to manage and organize through technology. For instance, the reason why terrorists, who use religion to commit crimes, are able to be e everywhere in the world and still stay strong is through technology (Bhugra, Popelyuk & McMullen, 2010). They are able to manage and cooperate through all the social networks. Technology is a good thing since it is a sign of being advanced. With the fast emergence of technological gadgets such as Smart phones and tablets, many infants are getting much exposed to technology. Research has it that the infants who are exposed to technology at young age tend to be more active in terms of cognitive abilities. An infant who gets the knowledge of technology perform well in cognitive activities. Most technology gadgets are complicated and for an infant to be able to use one, they do learn first. This helps the infant in developing cognitive abilities at a young age. However, technology can be harmful to infants’ social-emotional development. Many infants are getting exposed to technology gadgets for long periods of time thus they lack the time to socialize with other kids through plays and other kids activities. You will find that an infant may prefer to play a computer game instead of going out to play hide and seek with other children (Bullard, 2014). As a result, the infants grow up without social-emotional skills. Infants develop their social-emotional skills by interacting with other children or even interacting with bigger people. Excess exposure of infants to technology only interferes with their social-emotional development.There are appropriate ways which can be used to utilize technology with young children. Technology should be used in a way such that it encourages social interaction. This is possible through adult supervision. Secondly Technology should be incorporated in learning. In schools, teachers should use technology in teaching and children will learn that technology is only useful in learning. On the other hand, we have the inappropriate ways of utilizing technology in young children which include the purchasing of technological gadgets to young children which contributes greatly to an infant’s failure to learn social-emotional skills. The other inappropriate way is using technology as a form distracting young children from bad activities. Technology has influenced everything in today’s societies. Religion, education, day to day activities and everything in the society depends on technology (Gay, 2010). As a result, technology has changed the way of living in the society leading to many cultural controversies. People no longer have the same respect for one another. In today’s modern society, for one to be able to interact and relate with others freely must be up to date with technology.Sexuality is also another cause of modern cultural controversies. Sexuality has changed in modern society. Sex and gender roles are rapidly changing in our societies today. The way sex and gender roles were defined before, is very different from how they are defined today. Sex and gender roles have changed in various disciplines such as workplace, marriage, decision making, and family among many others (Cairns, 2011).Before roles were clearly defined for each sex and gender. Males had their own defined roles while female had also their own defined roles. Each gender and sex used to perform their own respective roles. Initially, only two genders were recognized, that is, the masculine and the feminine. The masculine is for the males while feminine represents the females. One’s gender was defined by their sex. Today, other genders have emerged which are often regarded as third gender. The roles of sex and gender have changed. Before only a man and a woman could engage in an intimate relationship, but today this is not the case since other kinds of intimate relationships such as homosexuals and heterosexuals have emerged. For instance, today there are cases of a man and another man engaging in sexual relationship (Lincoln, Lynham & Guba, 2011). The same also applies to lesbians. This is actually inversion of sex and gender roles.The sex and gender roles have also changed in marriage as well as workplace. Initially, in a marriage, the woman was supposed to stay at home and take care of home affairs as well as bringing up children while men went out to work. Today women are working in the same places with men; they no longer stay at home. Today home affairs are shared by both partners. For instance, before only a man could be the head of the family as well as the bread winner. Today many women are bread winners in their families. In today’s societies we also have controversial sexual relationships such as homosexuality and lesbianism. We have witnessed United States of America passing a law that gives gays the right to marry freely. This is a conflict against Christianity religion does not support gay marriages. However, if there is any religion supporting gay marriages then that religion is inappropriate. In today’s society, the maintenance of law and order is different from the traditional ways. Today people go to courts of law and it is not always provided that the guilt ones are the ones prosecuted (Szmidt, Normand, Burr, Hodgins & LaMotta, 2010). Not everybody is capable of affording a lawyer; therefore, in many cases the poor do not get justice, only the rich goes by their ways. Therefore, due to lack of justice, the rich are able to oppress the poor and get away. This leads to bitter relationships between the rich and the poor.In conclusion, culture is a very important aspect of the society as it defines ones origin. It is our duty to protect and abide to our cultural norms. It is good to live in modern society; however, the government should ensure equality for everybody despite the difference in cultural beliefs and practices.ReferencesTop of FormBottom of FormBhugra, D., Popelyuk, D., & McMullen, I. (2010). Paraphilias across cultures: Contexts and controversies. Journal of sex research, 47(2-3), 242-256.Cairns, D. (2011). Honour and shame: modern controversies and ancient values. Critical quarterly, 53(1), 23-41.Clark, E. A. (2014). The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate. Princeton University Press.Gay, G. (2010). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. Teachers College Press.Lincoln, Y. S., Lynham, S. A., & Guba, E. G. (2011). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences, revisited. The Sage handbook of qualitative research, 4, 97-128.Raffe, A. (2012). The culture of controversy: Religious arguments in Scotland, 1660-1714. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press.Scruton, R. (2013). Modern culture. Bloomsbury Publishing.Szmidt, C. C., Normand, C., Burr, G. S., Hodgins, G. W., & LaMotta, S. (2010). AMS 14 C dating the Protoaurignacian/Early Aurignacian of Isturitz, France. Implications for Neanderthal–modern human interaction and the timing of technical and cultural innovations in Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(4), 758-768.

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