Statistics in IT

ITCO341: Applications of Discrete Mathematics and Statistics in IT· Unit 5: IT Scenarios, Challenges, and Skills Required in IT Areas· How to Find Articles and Books· Library Contact Information and HoursUnit 5: The Societal Context of AgingAngst, C. M., Devaraj, S., & D’Arcy, J. (2012).: A validated structure-process-outcome Framework. Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), 257-292.Database: Business Source CompleteDespite the fact that about 90 percent of information transactions in hospitals are communications between patients, doctors, nurses, and other staff, little research has addressed the role that information technology (IT) plays in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of these communications-based transactions. This paper addresses this research gap.Iden, J., & Eikebrokk, T. R. (2014).: Theory development and empirical testing. Knowledge & Process Management, 21(4), 292-306. doi:10.1002/kpm.1437Database: Business Source CompleteThis paper investigates whether information technology (IT) departments that implement the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes also improve process management.Kang, Y., O’Brien, W. J., Dai, J., Mulva, S. P., Thomas, S. P., Chapman, R. E., & Butry, D. (2013). Interaction effects of information technologies and best practices on construction project performance. Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 139(4), 361-371. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000627Database: Academic Search CompleteBuilding from considerable empirical research in the general business literature, this paper quantitatively explores the view that the benefits of information technologies manifest themselves through improvement in work processes.Mominah, M., Yunus, F., & Househ, M. S. (2013). A case study on the impacts of computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system on hospital clinical workflow: International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH) Conference, July 5-7th, Athens, Greece. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, 190, 207-209. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-276-9-207Database: MEDLINE with Full TextThis paper discusses the experience of a local hospital with the use of computerized provider order entry and its impacts on clinical workflow.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Puksta, K., & Nedelea, A. (2012). Using information technologies to raise the competitiveness of SMES. USV Annals Of Economics & Public Administration, 12(1), 74-83.Library Database: Business Source CompleteCompetition is the driving force that encourages the business to improve its operating efficiency and innovative solutions. This paper discusses the role of information technology in process and performance improvement and how these improvements help businesses remain competitive.Material NotesLibrary items may require you to login one of two ways:1. You may see a page asking that you login using your campus username and password.2. You may be asked to select your school and then login with your student email.If the item is from the library and the direct links do not work properly, please follow directions for finding articles and books, or contact the library for assistance.Unless indicated otherwise, websites provided in this guide are not affiliated with Perdoceo Education Corporation and the links should not be construed as an endorsement of the owner of the website or the content of the website.Assignment DetailsStep 1Information technology (IT) solutions are often dependent upon the application of the discrete mathematics, probability, and statistical methods that you have been introduced to in this course. Click here to refer to an example about how an IT performance problem would be addressed using these techniques.Note: This example includes advanced topics, and you are not expected to understand the article fully. It is offered here simply as an example of how these techniques may be employed to solve IT problems.Step 2Using the AIU library’s full-text database (refer to the LibGuide), identify a problem in an IT-related system where statistical methods could be used to analyze, evaluate, and recommend performance improvements for the system.Summarize the problem, and discuss how you would use the discrete mathematics, probability, and statistical methods from this course to analyze the associated data, present the information, and draw inferences to develop a solution that would improve system performance. Explain your reasoning.Feel free to reflect on the example referenced in Step 1, and discuss your thoughts about it with the class and your instructor.In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

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