
High-level computer languages are created to be understood by humans. As a result, the keywords and the commands of these languages are easy to understand. Machine languages are harder to understand and operate.For this assignment, you should assume that the memory cells at addresses F0 to F9 are in the machine described here, and that it contains the hexadecimal bit patterns described in the following table.Note: Each memory address contains 2 values that must be used separately. For example, your first step is to read the first value from memory address F0, which is 2. When you need the next value, read it from the second part of memory address F0, which is a 0. The first part of memory address F1 is next, which is a C, and so on.Explain (in detail) each step of the      machine cycle. Show the contents of each of the registers and each of the      memory cells after the execution of the code.Compare and contrast machine and      high-level languages using resources from the Internet or AIU’s library.      Be sure to explain why the hexadecimal and binary codes are important for      programming in both languages.

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