Vargas Family Cultural Formulation Interview

MUST COMPLETE PDF ATTACHEDRead “Topic 2: Vargas Case Study.” Select one of the Vargas family members and complete a Cultural Formulation Interview based on the “Cultural Formulation” section in the DSM-5 and based on the new information learned in session two of the Vargas case study. Refer to the attached CFI form for guidance and complete the CFI template.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Attached PDF questions:The APA is offering the Cultural Formulation Interview (including the Informant Version) and the Supplementary Modules to the Core Cultural Formulation Interview for further research and clinical evaluation. They should be used in research and clinical settings as potentially useful tools to enhance clinical understanding and decision-making and not as the sole basis for making a clinical diagnosis. Additional information can be found in DSM-5 in the Section III chapter “Cultural Formulation.” The APA requests that clinicians and researchers provide further data on the usefulness of these cultural formulation interviews at Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)Rights granted: This material can be reproduced without permission by researchers and by clinicians for use with their patients.Rights holder: American Psychiatric AssociationTo request permission for any other use beyond what is stipulated above, contact: Page 1 of 3 Copyright © 2013 American Psychiatric Association. All Rights Reserved. This material can be reproduced without permission by researchers and by clinicians for use with their patients.Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)Supplementary modules used to expand each CFI subtopic are noted in parentheses. GUIDE TO INTERVIEWERINSTRUCTIONS TO THE INTERVIEWER ARE ITALICIZED.The following questions aim to clarify key aspects of the presenting clinical problem from the point of view of the individual and other members of the individual’s social network (i.e., family, friends, or others involved in current problem). This includes the problem’s meaning, potential sources of help, and expectations for services.INTRODUCTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL:I would like to understand the problems that bring you here so that I can help you more effectively. I want to know about your experience and ideas. I will ask some questions about what is going on and how you are dealing with it. Please remember there are no right or wrong an-swers.CULTURAL DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEMCULTURAL DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM(Explanatory Model, Level of Functioning)Elicit the individual’s view of core problems and key concerns.Focus on the individual’s own way of understanding the problem.Use the term, expression, or brief description elicited in question 1 to identify the problem in subsequent questions (e.g., “your conflict with your son”).1. What brings you here today?IF INDIVIDUAL GIVES FEW DETAILS OR ONLY MENTIONS SYMPTOMS OR A MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS, PROBE:People often understand their problems in their own way, which may be similar to or different from how doctors describe the problem. How would you describe your problem?Ask how individual frames the problem for members of the social network.2. Sometimes people have different ways of describing their problem to their family, friends, or others in their community. How would you describe your problem to them?Focus on the aspects of the problem that matter most to the individual.3. What troubles you most about your problem?CULTURAL PERCEPTIONS OF CAUSE, CONTEXT, AND SUPPORTCAUSES(Explanatory Model, Social Network, Older Adults)This question indicates the meaning of the condition for the individual, which may be relevant for clinical care.4. Why do you think this is happening to you? What do you think are the causes of your [PROBLEM]?Note that individuals may identify multiple causes, de-pending on the facet of the problem they are consid-ering.PROMPT FURTHER IF REQUIRED:Some people may explain their problem as the result of bad things that happen in their life, problems with others, a physical illness, a spiritual reason, or many other causes.Focus on the views of members of the individual’s social network. These may be diverse and vary from the indi-vidual’s.5. What do others in your family, your friends, or others in your com-munity think is causing your [PROBLEM]?

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