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Benefits for Part-Time Workers, management homework help

Hello! Please Read the Case Study—“Benefits for Part-Time Workers,” about the Jackson, Smith and Henderson CPA firm (JSH) that is located at the end of the chapter reading.

  • Navigate to the threaded discussion below and answer the following questions about the UFS case study:
    • What are some factors that Alan should consider when determining whether to offer benefits to part-time workers? (p. 261)
    • Do you think the firm should offer benefits to part-time workers? If yes, should it offer paid time off, the 401(k) plan, and health insurance? Or only one or two of the benefits? Explain your recommendation—whether yes, or no to offering benefit. (p. 261)
    • Review the 4.1 Devotion and Scripture reading to answer how the following statements from the devotional reading influence, support, or refute your decision making in this case:
      • “[Money] is quantifiable and transferable time and talent. Money is who I am as stored time and talent” (NIV Stewardship Bible, 2009, p. 1125).
      • “…prosperity must be seasoned with purpose, capital with compassion, and enterprise with equity” (NIV Stewardship Bible, 2009, p. 1125).
  • Provide a detailed post that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking. Your initial posting should be 200-300 words long.
  • This write up should be 200-300 words in length and is to include a minimum of two sources properly cited and referenced: (a) the Strategic Compensation textbook, and (b) an academic journal article that is at least 3-5 pages in length and published within the last 3-5 years.

Attached: Case Study—“Benefits for Part-Time Workers,”

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