Create and expand on new Multinational Corporation that relates to hedging , currency conversions

To prepare a powerpoint presentation.

Create and expand on new Multinational Corporation that relates to the rubrics.

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The Group Project will comprise 25% of the final grade and will be graded according to the following rubics:

50% for Five Effective Hedging Transactions

20% for Effective Use of Correlation Analysis and Beta Calculation

10% for Correct use of Currency Conversions

10% Recommendations to Hedge or not Hedge

10% Proper Use of IRP and PPP formulae.

I’VE ATTACHED THE SAMPLE POWER POINT PRENSENTATION. Assignment has to be done according the sample, not as same as sample, but scenario and strategies, structure need to be in the same way.

Professor want to us to use and expand whatever we studied in the class, so Please follow the same structure with new imaginations and ideas.

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