Discuss Constitutional, International Law or Administrative Agency issues for Ford Motor Company

Locate a case using Find Law or another research tool and obtain legal research on Constitutional Issues, International Law issues or Administrative Agency issues for Ford Motor company. Research the circumstances surrounding the case (i.e. the other party, any news that may have been created or any other pertinent information) and complete the following step for the presentation:

  1. Read and understand the case or question assigned. Show your Analysis and Reasoning and make it clear you understand the material. Dedicate at least one heading to each following outline topic: Parties [Identify the plaintiff and the defendant]Facts [Summarize only those facts critical to the outcome of the case]Procedure [Who brought the appeal? What was the outcome in the lower court(s)?]Issue [Note the central question or questions on which the case turns]Explain the applicable law(s). Be sure to use citations from the textbook including page numbers.Holding [How did the court resolve the issue(s)? Who won?]Reasoning [Explain the logic that supported the court’s decision]
  2. Do significant research outside of the book and demonstrate that you have in a very obvious way. This refers to research beyond the legal research. This involves something about the parties or other interesting related area. Show something you have discovered about the case, parties or other important element from your own research. Be sure this is obvious and adds value beyond the legal reasoning of the case.
  3. Dedicate 1 slide to each of the case question(s) immediately following the case, if there are any. Be sure to state and fully answer the questions in the presentation.
  4. Quality in terms of substance, form, grammar and context. Be entertaining! Use excellent audio-visual material and backgrounds!
  5. Wrap up with a Conclusion slide. This should summarize the key aspects of the decision and also your recommendations on the court’s ruling.
  6. Include citations on the slides and a reference slide with your sources. Use APA style citations and references.
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