DxR Clinician Medicine and Health 2 pages /550words due in the next 4 hours Kindly no plagiarism
DxR Clinician Medicine and Healthwrite about DxR Clinician ? system inlude Introduction(((System�s description, How does the system help with clinical care/education/research? �� What are the main benefits of the system? ,,,,, How does the system work?,,,,List the functionalities of the system ( find at least 5 functionalities),,,,,,,,,Who uses the system? �� Who are the main users of the systems? ,,,,,,,,,,)))))))) Conclusion �� What did you learn from this system? 2-3 Learning points needed �� What are the future suggestions for this system? 2-3 suggestions needed write about DxR Clinician ? system inlude Introduction(((System�s description, How does the system help with clinical care/education/research? �� What are the main benefits of the system? ,,,,, How does the system work?,,,,List the functionalities of the system ( find at least 5 functionalities),,,,,,,,,Who uses the system? �� Who are the main users of the systems? ,,,,,,,,,,)))))))) Conclusion �� What did you learn from this system? 2-3 Learning points needed �� What are the future suggestions for this system? 2-3 suggestions needed apa format