exercise 5

This Exercise relates to Chapters 7 & 8.

For this exercise, you need to analyze the questions in the sample question set (8 questions) I copied from the instructor’s manual. Exercise5-SampleQuestions.docx

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To receive credit for this exercise, create a new journal entry and answer the following questions:

  1. What type of scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, ration) is being used for each question. Explain/justify your answer.
  2. Chapter 7 noted that data can be represented at higher or lower scale levels by altering the way you ask the question. Select two of the sample questions and rewrite them to use a higher scale level (be sure to identify the new scale level for your revised questions). Select two of the sample questions and rewrite them to use a higher scale level (again, identify the new scale level).
  3. Using what you learned in Chapter 8 about question wording and other issues with questionnaire development, identify the wording errors/issues that might affect each of the sample questions. Identify the two worst questions, and explain how you would modify them to eliminate the wording/construction errors.
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