Evaluate the online resources below. Which sites are the easiest to navigate? From which sites did you gain the most knowledge on health policy issues in state and at the federal level?American Association Activist Toolkit: http://www.rnaction.org/site/pageServer?pagename=nstat_take_action_activist_tool_kit&ct=1 &ct= 1Association of perioperative Registered Nurses Advocacy Tools and Resources: http://www.aorn.org/ToolsAndResourcesNational Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist: Starter Kit for Impacting Change at the Government Level: http://www.nacns.org/html/toolkit.phpNational Association of Neonatal Nurses Federal Health PolicyAdvocacy Tool-kit: http://www.nann.org/uploads/files/Federal_Health_Policy_Advocacy_Tool-kit.pdf

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