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serial killers nor mass murderers

Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2   It should be written separately include the http or DOI for all references used please Note: Please see reading references below:DQ 1Most murderers are neither serial killers nor mass murderers. How are we able to combat the problem of murder when a person may kill only one time? What type of psychological problems may lead someone to kill? Use scholarly resources to support your explanations.DQ 2The criminal justice system provides very long, lifetime, or death sentence to those convicted of murder. Are these harsh and punishments appropriate for the crime of murder? Are there alternative punishments for murders that do not include long incarceration periods or death? Use scholarly resources to support your explanations.Reading Assigned1. A Case of Mass Murder: Personality Disorder, Psychopathology and Violence ModeRead “A Case of Mass Murder: Personality Disorder, Psychopathology and Violence Mode,” by Declercq & Audenaert, from Aghttp://dx.doi.org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.avb.2011.02.0012. Criminal Behavior: A Psychological ApproachRead Chapters 9 and 10 in Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach.https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/9781292036137/pdf2htmlex/index.html#page_1Victim, Perpetrator, and Offense Characteristics in Filicide and Filicide–Suicide3. Read “Victim, Perpetrator, and Offense Characteristics in Filicide and Filicide–Suicide,” by Debowska, Boduszek, & Dhhttps://www-sciencedirect-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S1359178915000221?via%3Dihub

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