week 5 hr paper
Hello, please see the below:
- Access and review the Record Retention Schedule on the Kruggel Lawton CPA website . While this is written with an accounting slant, it provides an excellent overview of records retention.
- Access and review the website for the gNeil Business Record Retention Guidelines via the link: http://gneil.hrdirect.com/hr-library/business-record-retention-guidelines-how-long-to-keep-business-records
- http://www.complyright.com/employee-recordkeeping/…
- Select an organization with which you are familiar and write a paper with inclusion of one or more paragraphs for each of the following steps, using similar headings in your paper:
- Introduction.
- Goals and Accountabilities. Clearly define the goals and accountabilities associated with records retention. Integrate faith-based concepts from the 5.1 Devotional and scripture reading, especially those regarding how a policy may evidence the organization’s valuing of truth.
- Categories of Data. Identify and define the categories of data subject to records retention. The categories of data should be specific to HR and industry/organizational needs (e.g., payroll, personnel records, tax records, and so forth). These are the main categories you will list on the schedule of records retention.
- Records Retention Policy. Develop a records retention policy. This policy should be no longer than one page. Include a section in the paper to discuss development of the policy and to properly acknowledge its placement in the appendix.
- Schedule of Records Retention. Create a records retention schedule. An example of a schedule may be seen in Appendix A of the AICPA A Practice AID for Records Retention document. Attach the schedule in the appendix of the paper. Include a section in the paper to discuss the creation of the schedule and to properly acknowledge its placement in the appendix.
- Monitoring Procedures. Explain the monitoring procedures to ensure compliance with the established policy and the schedule timelines.
- Conclusion.
- Your paper should be 600-800 words in length, not including the title page, reference page, or appendix items.
- Use APA format. Cite two reference sources, at a minimum, in addition to any sources cited that were provided as part of this assignment (i.e., ACIPA report, gNeil guidelines).Each reference should be at least 3-5 pages and published within the last 3-5 years.
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