wiki week 2 ASAP

WIKKI WEEK 2Hand shake with Catherine Owens: Complete (Goto thread),Click the link below to access the course wiki. Click Create Wiki Page on the action bar to create your wiki page. Please add meaningful titles to your wiki pages so they are easy to scan in the side panel. You are able to edit any page you want. However, please do not delete anything your classmates have written. Feel free to use the Comments function also. After several pages are added, use a page’s contextual menu and select History to see how a page has been edited.This is our Week 2 course wiki. This is a graded, collaborative learning activity. Please remember to add meaningful titles to your wiki pages so they are easy to scan in the side panel. Submit one wiki page.CPT Coding Week 2 Wiki RubricCPT Coding Week 2 Wiki Rubric:A quality wiki page is created. The writing is clear and concise and relevant to the topic. The wiki page has a meaningful title page for ease of scanning in the side panel.  All questions in the “CPT Coding” topic are answered. A procedure code is listed with the numerical code and description.  50 pointsThe writing is original and free of writing and spelling errors.  Citation and references are used appropriately using APA 6th edition format.   25 pointsThe wiki page includes a link to the AMA site with the location (page) where the information was summarized.  25 pointsClick “Create Wiki Page” on the action bar to begin and add your page. Please add meaningful titles to your wiki pages so they are easy to scan in the side panel. Edit any page you want. However, do not delete anyone else’s writings.  Feel free to use the Comments function also. After several pages are added, use a page’s contextual menu and select History to see how a page has been edited.See the wiki page “CPT Coding”. This is where you will find the questions/topic for this wiki and the questions you will answer and the topics you will write about on your wiki page.See the Student Tutorial on creating and editing Wiki pages: is another source for information on creating and editing Wiki pages: EntryEdit Wiki ContentCPT CodingCreated By Anonymous on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 11:14:57 AM EDTlast modified by Kathy Andersen on Saturday, May 20, 2017 1:29:16 PM EDTWatch PresentationIntoduction to CPTUser: SealingOnlyYours Added: 2014-09-09 14:50:39 UTCNumber of Favorites: 0 Number of Comments: 0Number of Views: 0 Number of Downloads: 0Tags:Link to SlideShare PageThe AMA owns the copyright to the CPT codes. Their site is useful and has a lot of information. For example, you can read more about the process of procedure coding on their site at this link: add to the wiki by doing the following:Identify a CPT procedure code and include the numerical code and description. Use the code search on the AMA website. Use this link and enter a state, key words and click on Submit. List the code,description and Medicare allowable amount you find.You may use a different method to find a procedure code and description. If you do, include this with your code and description.EXAMPLESCPT Code: 50543Procedure:Laparoscopy, surgical, partial nephrectomyRegion: NY 13202 02 NYC SUBURBS/LONG ISLAND, NYMedicare Payment:Non Facility: NAFacility: 1808.26Reference:CPT/Medicare Payment Search. (2017). Retrieved June 18, 2017, from CODE: 86078PROCEDURE: Blood bank physician services; investigation of transfusion reaction including suspicion of transmissible disease, interpretation and written reportMEDICARE PAYMENT: None facility: 56.06Facility: 52.95Reference:

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